
Gentle notes for interested students:

1. Please do not send word files with your email. Nowadays you can easily convert word files to PDF files. Most likely the receiver (me or other faculties you are trying to contact) will not even open the files if they are not in PDF.

2. Please do write a brief email body to introduce yourself. If you just throw several files into an email and send it to me. It will directly go to the email bin and stay there for 30 days before being automatically deleted.

3. Please get the correct name. I’ve received emails addressed to other people more frequently than I expected. If you don’t even bother to check the receiver’s name, how can you expect that the receiver will bother to read your email?

4. I apologize for not being able to respond to every email. I tried, at least at first. Then I was just overwhelmed by the incoming emails every day. If you don’t hear back from me for over 1 week and you are actually really interested in joining my team, it is OK to send me a reminder email to follow up.

I put these notes here not to complain about anyone. Instead, I understand how stressful it is to apply for a PhD. I just hope these notes could help you avoid wasting your time, regardless of whom you are trying to contact. And finally, best luck and wish you find a place that is a perfect fit. 🙂

PhD logo

Ph.D. student

We are actively recruiting new Ph.D. student (starting from anytime). The lab will provide full financial support as well as support for attending international conferences. The candidates need to have a strong passion and determination in investigating small-scale robotic systems and their targeted biomedical applications. Candidates with past research and publication experiences are preferred. If you are interested, please send your

  • CV,
  • representative publications,
  • a Personal statement
  • intended starting date and
  • transcript

to email

Available fellowship

(Effective until December 1, 2024Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2025/26, official introduction see link, poster, and leaflet. Interested candidates please contact me as soon as possible.

PhD logo

Postdoc, visiting scholar, and exchange student

We are actively recruiting new postdoc, visiting scholar, and exchange student (starting from anytime). The candidates need to have a strong passion and determination in investigating small-scale robotic systems and their targeted biomedical applications. Candidates with past research and publication experiences are preferred. If you are interested, please send your

  • CV,
  • representative publications,
  • a Personal statement
  • intended starting date and
  • transcript

to email

Available fellowship

(Effective until September 13, 2024) The RGC Junior Research Fellow Scheme (JRFS, formerly known as RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme), official introduction see here. Interested candidates please contact me as soon as possible.


Research Assistant

We are actively recruiting new research assistant (full time or part time), starting from the fall 2021. The candidates need to have a strong passion and determination in investigating small-scale robotic systems and their targeted biomedical applications. The key duty of the assistant is helping setup the research laboratory, purchase instruments, and initialize projects. If you are interested, please send your

  • CV,
  • a Personal statement
  • intended starting date and
  • transcript

to email

More resources

Joint PhD programme: Tongji Univ, BUAASUSTech, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.

Extended information

The prep talk for PhDs link