
Index: 18

Authors: Yuxuan Xiang, Ruomao Liu, Zihan Wei, Xinliang Wang, Weida Kang, Min Wang, Jun Liu, Xudong Liang, and Jiachen Zhang

Title: MINRob: A Large Force-Outputting Miniature Robot Based on a Triple-Magnet System

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Robotics

Date: 05 June 2024 link, author’s version.

The locomotions of internal magnets (upper) and the entire robot (lower) are visualized in the videos.

Index: 17

Authors: Zihan Wei, Zongze Li, Yuxuan Xiang, Jun Liu, and Jiachen Zhang

Title: Magnetic repulsion-based robot with diverse locomotion capabilities

Journal: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Date: 20 November 2023 link

Index: 16

Authors:  Ruomao Liu, Yuxuan Xiang, Zihan Wei, and Jiachen Zhang

Title: A computer-aided teleoperation system for intuitively controlling the behavior of a magnetic millirobot within a stomach phantom

Journal: Advanced Intelligent Systems

Date: 05 November 2023 link

Index: 15

Authors: Yuxuan Xiang and Jiachen Zhang

Title: A theoretical investigation of the ability of magnetic miniature robots to exert forces and torques for biomedical functionalities

Journal: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Date: 03 Feb 2023 link, author’s version, SI

Index: 14

Authors: Jiachen Zhang, Ren Hao Soon, Zihan Wei, Wenqi Hu, and Metin Sitti

Title: Liquid metal-elastomer composites with dual-energy transmission mode for multifunctional miniature untethered magnetic robots

Journal: Advanced Science

Date: 05 September 2022 link (open access)

Index: 13

Authors: Yue Dong, Lu Wang, Neng Xia, Zhengxin Yang, Chong Zhang, Chengfeng Pan, Dongdong Jin, Jiachen Zhang, Carmel Majidi, Li Zhang

Title: Untethered small-scale magnetic soft robot with programmable magnetization and integrated multifunctional modules

Journal: Science Advances

Date: 22 June 2022 link (open access)

Index: 12

Authors: Yubing Guo*, Jiachen Zhang*, Wenqi Hu*, Muhammad Turab Ali Khan, and Metin Sitti (*equally contributing authors)

Title: Shape-programmable liquid crystal elastomer structures with arbitrary 3D director fields and geometries

Journal: Nature Communications

Date: early view, 2021 link (open access)

Index: 11

Authors: Jiachen Zhang*, Yubing Guo*, Wenqi Hu*, and Metin Sitti (*equally contributing authors)

Title: Wirelessly actuated thermo- and magneto-responsive soft bimorph materials with programmable shape-morphing

Journal: Advanced Materials

Date: early view, 2021 link (open access)

Index: 10

Authors: Jiachen Zhang*, Ziyu Ren*, Wenqi Hu*, Ren Hao Soon, Immihan Ceren Yasa, and Metin Sitti (*equally contributing authors)

Title: Voxelated three-dimensional miniature magnetic soft machines via multimaterial heterogeneous assembly

Journal: Science Robotics

Date: vol. 6 issue 53, 2021 official link, full text

Motivation: To create functional and complex miniature robots in a similar manner with the nature using cells and ECM to create tissues and organs.

Index: 9

Authors: Jiachen Zhang*, Yubing Guo*, Wenqi Hu*, Ren Hao Soon, Zoey Davidson, and Metin Sitti (*equally contributing authors)

Title: Liquid crystal elastomer-based magnetic composite films for reconfigurable shape-morphing soft miniature machines

Journal: Advanced Materials

Date: vol. 33 issue 8, 2021 link (open access)cover article

Index: 8

Authors: Tianqi Xu, Jiachen Zhang, Mohammad Salehizadeh, Onaizah Onaizah, and Eric Diller

Title: Millimeter-Scale Flexible Robots with Programmable Three-Dimensional Magnetization and Motions

Journal: Science Robotics

Date: vol. 4, eaav4494 , 2019 official link, post-print pdf

Index: 7

Authors: Jiachen Zhang and Eric Diller

Title: Untethered miniature soft robots: Modeling and design of a millimeter-scale swimming magnetic sheet

Journal: Soft Robotics

Date: vol. 5, no. 6, 2018 link post-print

A picture of the setup to test the motility of underwater swimmers.

Index: 6

Authors: Jiachen Zhang*, Mohammad Salehizadeh*, and Eric Diller (*equally contributing authors)

Title: Parallel pick and place using two independent untethered mobile magnetic microgrippers

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Date: 2018 link pre-print

Index: 5

Authors: Jiachen Zhang, Onaizah Onaizah, Kevin Middleton, Lidan You, and Eric Diller

Title: Reliable grasping of three-dimensional untethered mobile magnetic microgripper for autonomous pick-and-place

Journal: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Date: vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 835-840, 2017 link pre-print

Index: 4

Authors: Jiachen Zhang, Onaizah Onaizah, Amir Sadri, and Eric Diller

Title: A generic label-free microfluidic microobject sorter using a magnetic elastic diverter

Journal: Biomedical Microdevices

Date: vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 43,  2017 link pre-print

3. J. Zhang and E. Diller, “Tetherless mobile micrograsping using a magnetic elastic composite material,” Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 25, no. 11, 11LT03 2016. Link pre-print

2. J. Zhang, P. Jain, and E. Diller, “Independent Control of Two Millimeter-Scale Soft-Bodied Magnetic Robotic Swimmers,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2016. Link pre-print

Index: 1

Authors: Jiachen Zhang and Eric Diller

Title: Millimeter-scale magnetic swimmers using elastomeric undulations

Conference: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Date: 2015 link pre-print

An experimental video of the swimmer’s deformation in response to a rotating uniform magnetic field.